Education and School Perseverance

Virtual Reality for student benefits

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Séminaire de Sherbrooke - Réalité Virtuelle

In french only :

The project

This project involves helping students from my old high-school (Seminaire of Sherbrooke) to develop a virtual reality studio. In doing so, I hope to share my adventure and new learnings with them, inspire futur generations and give back to the community that helped me grow.

Virtual reality, a new tool for students

Virtual reality is a new form of technology that offers an innovative and stimulating way of learning. This tool will allow students to confront their various fears and challenges, such as public speaking for example. They will also be able to completely immerse themselves into my adventures around the world, the race and get exclusive insight on what life at sea is really like. 

A unique adventure

Sailing and navigation concepts will be integrated into the students geography, history, science, french and english courses as they follow me on the Clipper Round the World Race throughout their academic year.

For more information or to make a contribution towards this project, visit the crowdfunding link below.